Another List of New Year's Resolution
In a few hours we'll once again welcome a new year and before we said goodbye to 2006 I've listed down my new year's resolution. I hope I can really make them work this time.

Here's the thing with new year's resolution, every new year we welcome the notion of having a marvelous year and a fresh start that's why we listed down all the things that we wanted to change, especially on ourselves, to be a better person... but in the middle, sometimes not even close, we go back to our old ways. We usually get tired because change is not an easy thing to deal with in the first place. To most people,including me, new year's resolutions doesn't work because we are looking at the bigger picture and not on the little details that make it.
The following are my new year's resolution:
1. Be Organized.I wanted to have everything in place. It freaks me out that most of the time I'm taking forever just to find stuff on my closet or drawer.
2. Go to Church Every Sunday.I need to have my faith in check. I must nourish my soul and make up for all of the shortcomings that I've had this year.
3. Get Fit.Tame the bulge in my tummy, meaning.... more crunches. I wanted to have my old weight back.. to be fit so that when I'm strolling the mall or running chores, as if I'm doing chores, I will not get easily exhausted.
4. Save. Save... and SaveThese holidays.., all the parties that I've gone to and all the spendings leave me penniless. I need to save right away or else I'll drain my bank account. I don't want that to happen and besides we must always plan and save for the future.
5. Learn Something NewI wanted something new... to do away with computers and the cyber zone. I'm planning of taking piano lessons after graduation.
Okay, all have been said. Let's see how far I can go this time. I only listed five to keep it simple... to easily check if I'm being faithful with these resolutions. I don't want it to be another broken pledge.
Labels: holidays, new year's resolution, personal