Insights From Tuesdays With Morrie
Tuesday's With Morrie is a sad novel about a deep bond or should I say friendship between a student and his college professor. This book moved me from the first page through the last chapter. It changed my perception on some things about life especially death and made me shed tears. I've learned so much from it... lessons that only experience can show you.
On Life Itself!
Life! There's so much about it that we do not understand and may forever be a mystery to all of us but to wake up every morning, to see tiny droplets of water on leaves and colorful flowers, to see the smile on the faces of children, the feel of innocence from the touch of a baby and the serenity from an elderly, the comfort of being with your friends, the love and warmth of your family, the feel of
kilig when seeing your crush, the wonderful sound of wave of the ocean crushing through the mighty rocks, to feel the rain against your bare skin, to witness the beautiful sunset, and to stargaze at night the mere thought of all these melts my worries and problems and made me feel like flying... so light it made me touch the clouds above. Amazing isn't it??
So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. Devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning- Morrie Schwartz
Most of the time we want to do so much that we forget what are the important things in life. It's not money or power mind you. Money and power will not give you anything. Indeed it will give you fame and authority but you can't buy love and respect.
On Material Things
Don't cling to things, because everything is impermanent. - Morrie Schwartz
We get easily attracted with the glitter of material things. We think that when we have the latest techie gadgets, the fastest car, the branded clolthes, and the most expensive jewelries we will have tons of friends and everyone will love us. I think for some time yes but when someone else surmount us, the people whom you thought care about you will leave you eventually. I will not be a hypocrite, I admit I got easily lured by material things and like most people (I guess) I also think that these material things will buy and get me something... but trust me.. it never will!
The best things in life are free!...
The image above was taken from flickr. It was uploaded by user Alexandre Roda.On LoveLove is the only rational act.- Levine

Love! A very broad topic to talk about. Honestly, I think I'm the last person who should talk about love. It's not I don't know how to love... I just think that this topic is very sensitive and to tell you the truth.... I don't know what to say. But the word speaks for itself don't you think? All of us can relate to it. We all give out love and in return we are being loved.
On Family

There is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn't the family. If you don't have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all. - Morrie Schwartz
You can bet our families will always be there for us even when the whole world turns its back on us. We can expect great support, love, and comfort from our families. I used to wish I was part of someone else's family because in our home we're not open on most things. What I'm trying to say is that in our family there isn't much communication. Sure we talk but we do not tackle issues like my personal problem, when I say
my personal problem it's my love life, my thoughts about certain things and people, ... I wanted to share something with them but I'm afraid they will think I'm being a drama-queen. So I was never open to my family. But despite all these I've realized that they care so much about me. They need not to say anything since their love speaks stronger and I feel bad I ever wanted to switch families with my friends. I don't know if anyone of them (my beloved parents, siblings, and old folks) reads my blog but guys if you happen to find your way here... I wanted to know how much I love you guys =).
Fear of AgingIf you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow. - Morrie Schwartz

Aside from the quote above about aging, Morrie also said:
"As you grow, you learn more. Aging is not just decay. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it." I think this is true. For most of us, we do not want to age because we do not want to die. We're afraid to die and because of this we missed a lot on life.
On DyingLearn how to die and you learn how to live. - Morrie Schwartz

Once again I have to gather my thoughts and discuss something about dying, the topic that I so wanted to eradicate from my brain, but this time its different. The last time, I wrote something about dreading to die. I guess I know now the answer why.
Dying! We regard it as something negative and on my part it has always been as such. We know we are going to die but we doesn't want to believe it. We wanted to do so much on this world and we fear that we will not even come close to all of those. This is the reason why I fear death.
Labels: books, life, personal