An Encounter with a Disgusting Man

Last Sunday (August 27) on my way to the church while crossing the pedestrian this man behind me pat my butt using the plastic bag he's carrying. I look back and stare at him odiously to show him he make me sick. He said sorry but he did it this way, "
Miss sorry ah, lambot kasi ng pwet mo.." I wanted to punch him in the face, kick his fat ass, and curse him until the stars I mean the universe punish him for what he did and said. I mean what was he thinking?! Do I look like a slut to him?! For crying out loud, I wasn't even wearing revealing clothes that day... I'm just on my usual jeans and shirt. So instead of bad-mouthing with that jerk, I walked hurriedly but to my surprise he's trying to catch up with me. I even heard him said, "
Miss teka lang nagmamadali ka ba?!". That jerk, that piece of shit.. I will never forgive him. He really disgust me!
Its sad to know that some guys are like that. I mean, can't they be more cultured and act like a nice and decent man. How could that man do it in the street and instead of apologizing nicely he pushed me to the limit and got into my nerves. I swear during that time I'd like to electrify him and hang him upside down. You might think that I'm so violent. I think I am but its because of that man and his horrible actions. At that time I'm so prepared to go to the church and pray. When I woke up that morning I'm so focused and I already have plans on how to spend my Sunday. I have this positive aura in my system but that man ruined it. You see I'm a girl who's
very, I'd like to emphasize the VERY, sensitive when it comes to touch and physical contact. I get easily irritated when I feel that a stranger, especially a pervert-looking guy, touch me. Who doesn't, right girls?? You can tell it when they're doing it on purpose, so girls beware!
Well, forgive me for my choice of words. I admit they're bit harsh.... I mean really harsh...but I have to get this out of my system. Again, please accept my earnest apologies.
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