State of the Nation's Address
On the State of the Nation's Address: Classes were suspended today.... I think its a good thing since I've got the chance to hear what our president has to say on her SONA--State of the Nation's Address... Actually, I've been hearing a lot of critisisms regarding the SONA. According to a recent survey, I forgot who conducted it, Filipinos do not believe anymore to what the President has to say... The President said that our economy was uplifted but I guess a lot of people did not felt it maybe because of the continuous oil price hike... I heard that the SONA will focus on the economy and will do away with Charter Change, which is a good thing by the way....

I hate the thought that our country is divided. Everyone wanted to rule, everyone wanted to be the President. I'm not pro-Gloria but I can't see anyone who's better to replace her. Besides she has proven that she can rule. I think what we need right now is cooperation. We have to help each other. I just don't get it why we can't do it on our own country...

The poor are always blaming the government but can't they get it...??? They have to help themselves first before they put all the blame to the government... Again.. I just wanted to make myself clear.., I'm no pro-Gloria... and no one pay me to wrote these things....

Assessing the president's performance, I think she has done a pretty good job.. She was able to somehow uplift our economy, create jobs, etc.. Our president needs help and we ought to help her..
Always remember that change should start with yourself!Labels: government, people, politics, social issues