Officially Unemployed

I just graduated and currently looking for a job. As a matter of fact, these past few days I searched for available positions, those related in Information Technology specifically Management of Information System and System Development, in
jobsdb . The funny thing is during our thesis days I swear that I will never ever apply for a programmer position. I do not want to become like this:

... but after some thinking and evaluation I was challenged to be a programmer, to contribute my skills for a company and see how far it will take me. I am actually excited for our thesis. And now that I've made mention something about our thesis please do visit this site to have a view of our thesis and let me know what you think ok??! The site by the way is another addition to my blogs wherein I post the screenshots of every project that I've been part of. I meant to write an overview of what these projects are but right now what you'll see on that site are pure screenshots and minimal texts. I will try to update it sooner.
So going back on my job hunting adventures, I sent my application to several companies, attended every interviews despite the burning heat in the metro, and right now I do have several pending applications. I've heard countless times already that job hunting is not an easy task. Now that I'm doing it, I can attest the difficulties. Some say that if its not for you then it's not. I disagree! There's no such thing as your destined job. You have to be prepared and alert on the interview and you have to pass the exams.
I hope that I could find a nice job that I will enjoy and impose new learnings. I do not want to end up like this man:

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