Students getting ready for the last passage at the Arch of the Centuries with the magnificent UST Main Building in the background
Wow! was my instant reaction. It was really amazing. The person, Jesse Herrera, who took the picture is a genius. The picture was taken last March 23, 2007 during our Baccalaureate Mass.
Baccalaureate Mass. As cited in wikipedia, baccalaureate is "a farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class". And what was the sermon about again?? It was about a lot of things but the topic that was retained on my brain is all about change.
Another video about the events that took place during the Baccalaureate
During our baccalaureate mass, I'm feeling mixed emotions. I felt happy and relieved that finally all my efforts were paid off but at the same time I was sad and uncertain. Change. Another chapter of my life has ended and another one is about to begin. After leaving the walls of my university what's next? Honestly, I do not know. Sometimes saying goodbye to the things that we have grown accustomed with is really dreading but we don't have a choice but to go on with our life unless you wanted to end it. If only we can rewind our life then what I'd be doing right now is going back to the days when I was a kid, innocent, have high hopes, and really happy but then again reality bites... we can't do that. There are no rewinds or even fast forwards only play... and we have to play it right.
I recall a statement on the "Interview with God" presentation which was shown during our retreat in Caleruega. Here is the Lord's reply when He was asked what surprises him most about humankind:
That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.
That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.