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The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes

If we really don't know how to fix it, then we should stop breaking it.
I was astonished watching this girl deliver her speech at a U.N. assembly in behalf of other children about environmental issues. And for this very reason, I would like to share this video hoping that most of you guys will watch it and that girl’s message will not fall on deaf ears.

Mull over her words and let’s start doing something for mother earth.

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Friday, October 09, 2009
Anonymous depression  says:
Hey I watched this video. It is too heart touching video. I like it so much. I am going to forward to every one. Thank you very much for sharing with us.
8:41 PM GMT+8  
Blogger saraness says:
Thanks! ^_^
9:08 PM GMT+8